The Flowmeters, Flow Tubes, Metering Valves and Flow Controllers unique line of control components recognized as the industry standard for critical applications in the analytical, medical, semiconductor, chemical/petrochemical, water treatment, air quality monitoring and fuel cell industries.
Flow Controllers
> Gas Mass Flow Controllers

• Models available with flow ranges of 0-5
sccm to 0-1000slpm N2
• Responds to a step change in setpoint in
less than one second
• Accuracy options down to 1% of rate
• Available with Analog or Digital I/O
including ModBus, ProfiBus and DeviceNet
• Local or remote setpoint and display

> Severe Duty Gas Mass Flow Controllers
• NEMA 4X / IP66 certified and available in
Class1, Div. 2, ATEX Zone 2 and IEC Ex
certified versions with industry standard
• Available with Analog or Digital I/O i
ncluding ModBus, ProfiBus and DeviceNet
• Models available with flow ranges of
100sccm to 100SLPM and accuracy of 1%